
Liquor (Alcohol) Price List in Oslo

Liqlub blog helps you discover the best things to do, drink and buy – wherever you are! Make every day awesome with liqlub. You will always find a lot more to do with liqlub. Get all the hard drinks price list in Oslo.

Beer (pint) Only at the cheapest places (Destiny Pub) can you find beer that doesn’t seem outrageously priced in Oslo. 6.46 – 9.69
Beer .5L (retail) Ringes is the popular local lager, and it’s expensive even in supermarkets. Tuborg is the same price. 2.58 – 4.31
Domestic Beer (1 pint draught) 90.00kr
Imported Beer (12 oz small bottle) 90.00kr


Bottle of Wine (Mid-Range) 160.00 kr 120.00250.00
Domestic Beer (0.5 liter bottle) 32.31 kr 27.0040.00
Imported Beer (0.33 liter bottle) 39.25 kr 31.0045.00
