Budweiser Magnum Beer

Liquor (Alcohol) Price List in Arkansas

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“Spirituous Liquor” is taxed at the rates of:

  1. Two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) on each gallon  sold or offered for sale in the State of Arkansas AND
  2. Twenty cents ($0.20) per each case sold or offered for sale in the State of Arkansas.

“Premixed Spirituous Liquor” is taxed at the rates of:

  1. One dollar ($1.00) on each gallon sold or offered for sale in the State of Arkansas AND
  2. Five cents ($0.05) per each case sold or offered for sale in the State of Arkansas.

“Light Spirituous Liquor” is taxed at the rates of:

  1. Fifty cents ($0.50) on each gallon sold or offered for sale in the State of Arkansas AND
  2. Five cents ($0.05) per each case sold or offered for sale in the State of Arkansas.
Arkansas price rate

Source: Arkansas